the beginning of grace & Reconciliation
02.16.25 |
02.09.25 |
02.02.25 |
01.26.25 |
01.19.25 |
01.12.25 |
01.05.25 |
Previous Messages from Genesis |
the gospel of Luke
good news for the unlikely
02.16.25 Chapter 3 - A Different Kind of Authority A Hidden Prominence (vs. 23-31) OFFERTORY | BULLETIN |
02.09.25 Chapter 3 - A Different Kind of Authority An Unforseen Phenomenon (vs. 21-22) OFFERTORY | BULLETIN |
02.02.25 Chapter 3 - A Different Kind of Authority An Unusual Reception (vs. 18-20) OFFERTORY | BULLETIN |
01.26.25 Chapter 3 - A Different Kind of Authority A Power to Wash Obscurity Away (vs. 15-17) OFFERTORY | BULLETIN |
01.19.25 Chapter 3 - A Different Kind of Authority A Conviction Demanding Change (vs. 7-14) OFFERTORY | BULLETIN |
01.12.25 Chapter 3 - A Different Kind of Authority An Uncommon Voice (vs. 1-6) OFFERTORY | BULLETIN | TEXT |
01.05.25 Chapter 2 - A Most Unusual Advent Unassuming Magnficence (vs.39-52) OFFERTORY | BULLETIN | TEXT |
12.29.24 Chapter 2 - A Most Unusual Advent Uncanny Timing (vs.21-38) OFFERTORY | BULLETIN | TEXT |
12.22.24 Chapter 2 - A Most Unusual Advent Unconventional Setting (vs. 1-20) OFFERTORY | BULLETIN | TEXT |
12.15.24 Chapter 1 - An Inconcelvable Announcement Good Happens for Good Reason (vs. 67-80) OFFERTORY | BULLETIN | TEXT |
12.08.24 Chapter 1 - An Inconcelvable Announcement So "How Could This Happen to Me?" (vs. 26-56) OFFERTORY | BULLETIN | TEXT |
12.01.24 Chapter 1 - An Inconcelvable Announcement Good News is for the Privleged (vs. 1-25) OFFERTORY | BULLETIN | TEXT |
Previous Messages from A Battle for the Mind |
02.12.25 Chapter 8 - A Wise Son Recognizes the Dignified Superiority of God and His Ways Unfathomable Wisdom in Creation (vs.22-31) |
02.05.25 Chapter 8 - A Wise Son Recognizes the Dignified Superiority of God and His Ways Laying Hold of Substance (vs.12-21) |
01.29.25 Chapter 8 - A Wise Son Recognizes the Dignified Superiority of God and His Ways But...Decisons Need to Be Made (vs.1-11) |
01.15.25 Chapter 8 - A Wise Son Recognizes the Dignified Superiority of God and His Ways Wisdom's Gracious Invitation (vs.1-11) |
01.08.25 Chapter 7 - The Power of Cherishing Susceptible to Sin (vs.6-27) |
01.01.25 New Years Service |
Previous Messages from Proverbs |
| Genesis | Exodus | Leviticus | Numbers | Deuteronomy | Joshua | Judges | Ruth | 1 Samuel | 2 Samuel | 1 Kings | |
| Matthew | Mark | Luke | John | Acts | Romans | 1 Corinthians | 2 Corinthians | Galatians | Ephesians | Philippians | |